Like it says it's my first time working with XML and I'm having a hard time working with basic functionality in MATLAB, any suggestions are appreciated:

I've got a basic file like this:



And obviously my script should run through each listitem collect stopping at a label, collecting its value and moving on down the list. I started using the example script that MATLAB provides for working with the DOM but I can't get it to work out beyond only the first label.

Can anyone provide help?


EDIT: So I am using xmlread and have searched. I also feel like this is a pretty generic question that might help others in the future.


1 回答 1


跳过内置的 xmlread - 这是一个非常痛苦的肘部。只需使用http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/4278-xml-toolbox

于 2013-07-23T23:12:27.967 回答