I am slowly learning how to build Apps in Xcode and Objective-C and Ive been reading this blog post about writing Cocoa Touch Apps without ever using the Interface Builder, and this blog post about how someone just uses Interface Builder whenever they can.
I find myself leaning more towards avoiding to use the Interface Builder, as I can find problems faster if its just plain code, and at this point I am more familiar with writing code than using the Interface Builder.
So I am considering avoiding to use the Interface Builder altogether. But before I do I wanted to know the following:
Is there any time when you absolutely must use Interface Builder? Is there anything that is impossible to achieve without it? (I know the reverse is true.)
Are there any practices I can employ to help me not miss out on the advantages Tal Bereznitskey outlines for using Interface Builder. I am specifically thinking of the points he makes about it being easier to maintain and easier to prototype and change stuff.
Will ignoring the Interface Builder altogether put me at a disadvantage in anyway for building Apps in the future. Will the complex Apps that I hope to be working on in the future be significantly more difficult to develop if I just stick to writing code?
I am currently just building Apps by myself, but when I start working with other developers will I be at a significant disadvantage because I never learnt how to use Interface Builder, or will I be able to get by just knowing how to write code?