
我不太明白的另一件事是如何移动创建地板边界以容纳地板的隐形块。选择的关卡是超级马里奥兄弟 3 的堡垒关卡,如果这有助于描绘我想要用它做什么。

我的代码中有几个 .as 文件,我将把麻烦的文件与我的冲突代码一起放入。

package {

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flash.media.Sound;

public class FortressMap extends MovieClip
    private var _mario:SmallMario;
    private var vx:Number = 0;
    private var vy:Number = 0;
    private var _ceiling:Array = new Array();
    private var _floor:Array = new Array();
    public const accy:Number = 0.20;
    public const termv:Number = 15;
    public var onGround:Boolean;
    public var bottomLimit:Number;

    public function FortressMap()
        addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);

        _mario = new SmallMario();
        _mario.x = 50;
        _mario.y = 400;

        //Creating the blocks for the floor
        createFloor(16, 416);

        //Creating the blocks for the ceiling
        createCeiling(16, 352);

    private function createFloor(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void
        var floor:Floor = new Floor();
        floor.x = xPos;
        floor.y = yPos;
        floor.height = 16;
        floor.visible = false;

    private function createCeiling(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void
        var ceiling:Ceiling = new Ceiling();
        ceiling.x = xPos;
        ceiling.y = yPos;
        ceiling.height = 16;
        ceiling.visible = false;

    private function addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
        removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);
        addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameHandler);
        addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removeStageHandler);
        stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
        stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);

    private function frameHandler(event:Event):void

        _mario.x +=  vx;
        _mario.y +=  vy;

        if (_mario.x < 16)
            _mario.x = 16;

        vy +=  accy;

        for (var i:int = 0; i < _ceiling.length; ++i)
            Collision.block(_mario, _ceiling[i]);
        for (var j:int = 0; j < _floor.length; ++j)
            Collision.block(_mario, _floor[j]);

        bottomLimit = 400;

        if(_mario.y >= bottomLimit)
            _mario.y = bottomLimit;
            vy = 0;
            onGround = true;

            onGround = false;

    private function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
        if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT)
            vx = -5;
        if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
            vx = 5;
        if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP)
            if(onGround == true)
                vy = -5;
                trace("My people need me!");
        if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN)
            //vy = 5;

    private function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void
        if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT || event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)
            vx = 0;
        if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP || event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN)
            //vy = 0;

    private function removeStageHandler(event:Event):void
        removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameHandler);
        removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removeStageHandler);
        stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
        stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);

包 { 进口 flash.display.Sprite;

public class Collision
    static public var collisionSide:String = ""; 

    public function Collision()
    static public function block(r1:Sprite, r2:Sprite):Boolean
        var isBlocked:Boolean;
        //Calculate the distance vector
        var vx:Number 
            = (r1.x + (r1.width / 2)) 
            - (r2.x + (r2.width / 2));

        var vy:Number 
            = (r1.y + (r1.height / 2)) 
            - (r2.y + (r2.height / 2));

        //Check whether vx 
        //is less than the combined half widths
        if(Math.abs(vx) < r1.width / 2 + r2.width / 2)
            //A collision might be occurring! Check 
            //whether vy is less than the combined half heights
            if(Math.abs(vy) < r1.height / 2 + r2.height / 2)
                //A collision has ocurred! This is good!

                //Find out the size of the overlap on both the X and Y axes
                var overlap_X:Number 
                = r1.width / 2 
                    + r2.width / 2 
                    - Math.abs(vx);

                var overlap_Y:Number 
                = r1.height / 2 
                    + r2.height / 2 
                    - Math.abs(vy);

                //The collision has occurred on the axis with the
                //*smallest* amount of overlap. Let's figure out which
                //axis that is

                if(overlap_X >=  overlap_Y)
                    //The collision is happening on the X axis
                    //But on which side? _v0's vy can tell us 
                    if(vy > 0)
                        collisionSide = "Top";

                        //Move the rectangle out of the collision
                        r1.y = r1.y + overlap_Y;
                        //r1 is being blocked
                        isBlocked = true;
                        collisionSide = "Bottom";

                        //Move the rectangle out of the collision
                        r1.y = r1.y - overlap_Y;
                        //r1 is being blocked
                        isBlocked = true;
                    //The collision is happening on the Y axis
                    //But on which side? _v0's vx can tell us 
                    if(vx > 0)
                        collisionSide = "Left";

                        //Move the rectangle out of the collision
                        r1.x = r1.x + overlap_X;
                        //r1 is being blocked
                        isBlocked = true;
                        collisionSide = "Right"; 

                        //Move the rectangle out of the collision
                        r1.x = r1.x - overlap_X;
                        //r1 is being blocked
                        isBlocked = true;
                //No collision
                collisionSide = "No collision";
                //r1 is not being blocked
                isBlocked = false;
            //No collision
            collisionSide = "No collision";
            //r1 is not being blocked
            isBlocked = false;
        return isBlocked;



1 回答 1



我会改变你的 createFloor 方法:

private function createFloor(xPos:Number, yPos:Number):void
    var floor:Floor = new Floor();
    floor.x = xPos;
    floor.y = yPos;
    floor.height = 16;
    floor.visible = false;

    // set bottom limit here
    bottomLimit = yPos;

...那么您不需要将其设置为 400。

但是,另一种选择是更改您的 if 语句:

    if(_mario.y >= Floor(_floor[0]).y)
        _mario.y = Floor(_floor[0]).y;
        vy = 0;
        onGround = true;

        onGround = false;


于 2013-07-23T23:20:48.127 回答