There are various possible solutions to this.
The first one (and simplest) is to write a query in the RowSource
property of your form with the appropriate data source, and include a filter field in that query that corresponds to the Id you are filtering:
select a.*
from [your table] as a
where a.[id] = forms!frmYourForm![theControlName]
That way, every time you open the form, it will show the appropriate data.
The second solution (a little more sophisticated) is to edit the RowSource
property on run-time. In the code that opens the form, you can do something like this:
strSQL = "select a.* from [your table] as a where a.Id = " & theControlName.Value
DoCmd.OpenForm "theDetailedForm"
form_theDetailedForm.RowSource = strSQL
Hope this helps you