这与问题Android Emulator vs Real Device 什么是 Android 模拟器的当前状态以及开发人员应该注意的差异有关。我正在开发一个使用蓝牙的应用程序,并考虑添加与电话通话相关的功能。既然我负担不起在所有真实设备上进行测试的费用,那么开发人员在模拟器上测试此类应用程序的指导方针应该是什么?


2 回答 2


Genymotion 摇滚。根据 Cyril Mottier 的博客文章,它甚至比硬件设备要好得多。


于 2013-07-23T14:51:55.307 回答

I test basically everything on several real devices. The only thing I use an emulator for is making sure layouts look good on the configurations I don't have available(I don't have a 7" tablet, for instance). This is only after just about everything else is done.

Functionality is going to be nearly the same on any real device, and the emulator is no guarantee, since it doesn't seem to act like any real device in some cases(openGL, for instance).

Testing usability on a desktop with a mouse just doesn't make sense, unless you're writing something that going to be using that input method. There's a big difference between swiping with a finger and click-dragging with a mouse.

Even if you have the fastest emulator/virtualizer in the world, how can it be any faster than just picking up the phone next to you?

于 2013-07-23T16:47:20.913 回答