如何编写一个程序来转换这个 XML 字符串

      <address>New York City</address>

      <address>Los Angeles</address>



name: John
address: New York City

name: Daniel
address: Los Angeles

name: Joe
address: Chicago

LINQ 可以使它更容易吗?


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使用 Linq-to-XML:

XDocument document = XDocument.Load("MyDocument.xml");  // Loads the XML document with to use with Linq-to-XML

var booms = from boomElement in document.Descendants("boom")  // Go through the collection of boom elements
            select String.Format("name: {0}" + Environment.NewLine + "address: {1}",  // Format the boom item
                                 boomElement.Element("name").Value,  // Gets the name value of the boom element
                                 boomElement.Element("address").Value);  // Gets the address value of the boom element

var result = String.Join(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine, booms);  // Concatenates all boom items into one string with


用 中的任何元素来概括它boom,这个想法是一样的。

var booms = from boomElement in document.Descendants("boom")  // Go through the collection of boom elements
            let boolChildren = (from boomElementChild in boomElement.Elements()  // Go through the collection of elements in the boom element
                                select String.Format("{0}: {1}",  // Formats the name of the element and its value
                                                     boomElementChild.Name.LocalName,  // Name of the element
                                                     boomElementChild.Value))  // Value of the element
            select String.Join(Environment.NewLine, boolChildren);  // Concatenate the formated child elements


于 2013-07-23T12:27:12.333 回答