这是一个简单的 Bash 函数,它专门使用 Bash 内部结构并且只生成一个子 shell:
function iwScan() {
# disable globbing to avoid surprises
set -o noglob
# make temporary variables local to our function
local AP S
# read stdin of the function into AP variable
while read -r AP; do
## print lines only containing needed fields
[[ "${AP//'SSID: '*}" == '' ]] && printf '%b' "${AP/'SSID: '}\n"
[[ "${AP//'signal: '*}" == '' ]] && ( S=( ${AP/'signal: '} ); printf '%b' "${S[0]},";)
set +o noglob
iwScan <<< "$(iw wlan0 scan)"
-66.00,FRITZ!Box 7312
通过在 while read -r AP while-loop 中添加必要的过滤器,可以轻松地修改该函数以提供额外的字段,例如:
[[ "${AP//'last seen: '*}" == '' ]] && ( S=( ${AP/'last seen: '} ); printf '%b' "${S[0]},";)
-64.00,1000,FRITZ!Box 7312