这是我过去使用的一段代码 - 可以适应您的示例:
public enum Configuration {
PROPERTY1("property1.name", "default_value_1"),
PROPERTY2("property2.name", "default_value_2");
private final String key;
private String defaultValue;
Configuration(String key) {
this(key, NA);
Configuration(String key, String defaultValue) {
this.key = key;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Configuration.class);
private final static String NA = "n.a.";
private final static String CONFIG_FILE = "properties/config.properties";
private final static String NOT_A_VALID_KEY = "Not a valid property key";
private final static Map<Configuration, String> configuration = new EnumMap<>(Configuration.class);
static {
private static void readConfigurationFrom(String fileName) {
logger.info("Reading resource: {}", fileName);
try (InputStream resource = Configuration.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileName);) {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.load(resource); //throws a NPE if resource not founds
for (String key : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
configuration.put(getConfigurationKey(key), properties.getProperty(key));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IOException | NullPointerException e) {
logger.error("Error while reading the properties file {}", fileName, e);
private static Configuration getConfigurationKey(String key) {
for (Configuration c : values()) {
if (c.key.equals(key)) {
return c;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(NOT_A_VALID_KEY + ": " + key);
private static void populateDefaultValues() {
for (Configuration c : values()) {
configuration.put(c, c.defaultValue);
* @return the property corresponding to the key or null if not found
public String get() {
return configuration.get(this);