我需要将 jquery 图表转换为 csv 文件。你能帮我完成这个功能吗?我都准备好了图表,但我找不到将我的图表转换为 csv 并下载它的功能。实际上我在这里找到了这个选项:




1 回答 1


Just looked in the source of the page and got you the function that is doing the magic there. May it helps you -

   * Converts the data into CSV in order to download a file

  downloadCSV: function(){
    var i, csv = '',
        series = this.series,
        options = this.options,
        dg = this.loadDataGrid(),
        separator = encodeURIComponent(options.spreadsheet.csvFileSeparator);

    if (options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator === options.spreadsheet.csvFileSeparator) {
      throw "The decimal separator is the same as the column separator ("+options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator+")";

    // The first row
    for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
      csv += separator+'"'+(series[i].label || String.fromCharCode(65+i)).replace(/\"/g, '\\"')+'"';
    csv += "%0D%0A"; // \r\n

    // For each row
    for (i = 0; i < dg.length; ++i) {
      var rowLabel = '';
      // The first column
      if (options.xaxis.ticks) {
        var tick = options.xaxis.ticks.find(function(x){return x[0] == dg[i][0]});
        if (tick) rowLabel = tick[1];
      else if (options.spreadsheet.tickFormatter){
        rowLabel = options.spreadsheet.tickFormatter(dg[i][0]);
      else {
        rowLabel = options.xaxis.tickFormatter(dg[i][0]);
      rowLabel = '"'+(rowLabel+'').replace(/\"/g, '\\"')+'"';
      var numbers = dg[i].slice(1).join(separator);
      if (options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator !== '.') {
        numbers = numbers.replace(/\./g, options.spreadsheet.decimalSeparator);
      csv += rowLabel+separator+numbers+"%0D%0A"; // \t and \r\n
    if (Prototype.Browser.IE && !Flotr.isIE9) {
      csv = csv.replace(new RegExp(separator, 'g'), decodeURIComponent(separator)).replace(/%0A/g, '\n').replace(/%0D/g, '\r');
    else window.open('data:text/csv,'+csv);

If you have problems with this code here's a link to the whole source - Flotr

You could also get the Table with the class "flotr-datagrid" and convert it in JavaScript (HowTo) or send it via PostBack to your asp server and do the magic serverside via C#.

于 2013-07-23T10:30:41.257 回答