// R.A.G.
for( std::vector<Cell*>::iterator iterCell = cellVec.begin();
iterCell != cellVec.end(); ++iterCell )
Cell* mother = (*iterCell);
if( mother->visited != true )
mother->visited = true;
CheckNeighbors( mother );
CheckNeighbors( Cell* mother )
Cell* cell = nullptr;
// Get the neighbours for the cell.
// 5 6 7
// 4 c 0
// 3 2 1
if( (cell=CheckCell( 1, 0, mother )) != mother )
mother = cell;
CheckNeighbors( mother );
if( (cell=CheckCell( 1, 1, mother )) != mother )
mother = cell;
CheckNeighbors( mother );
if( (cell=CheckCell( 0, 1, mother )) != mother )
mother = cell;
CheckNeighbors( mother );
if( (cell=CheckCell( -1, 1, mother )) != mother )
mother = cell;
CheckNeighbors( mother );
if( (cell=CheckCell( -1, 0, mother )) != mother )
mother = cell;
CheckNeighbors( mother );
if( (cell=CheckCell( -1, -1, mother )) != mother )
mother = cell;
CheckNeighbors( mother );
if( (cell=CheckCell( 0, -1, mother )) != mother )
mother = cell;
CheckNeighbors( mother );
if( (cell=CheckCell( 1, -1, mother )) != mother )
mother = cell;
CheckNeighbors( mother );
CheckCell( int x, int y, Cell* cell )
// Here a cell is one pixel, but it depends on the size of the window we choose.
// So for an image of 640*480, windowSize = 1, w = 640, h = 480
x += cell->window.x()/windowSize;
y += cell->window.y()/windowSize;
// The cell at (x, y) coordinates is not in the map
if( x < 0 || x >= w || y < 0 || y >= h ) return cell;
// Get the neighbor cell in (x, y)
// NB: cellVec has been filled up earlier and contains all the cells
Cell* neighbor = cellVec.at( (y*w) + x );
// The neighbor cell has already been visited
if( neighbor->visited ) return cell;
// The neighbor cell is of the same class as the mother cell
if( neighbor->cClass != cell->cClass ) return cell;
// Set the region number for the neighbor
neighbor->visited = true;
return neighbor;
注意:如果我有一个单色图像,大小为 640*480,单元格大小为 2*2 像素,我有 153765 个调用。当然还有一个单元格大小为 1*1 的段错误。我知道我可以增加堆栈的大小,但我更愿意找到另一种解决方案。