i have a Structure that describe my fuzzy system and I'm gonna to use it on MATLAB Simulink in general for fuzzy type 1 i could use fuzzy logic controller block BUT i have fuzzy type 2 and a structure describe it's membership functions and other attribute, i have to use it on simulink but matlab function block in simulink can't generate code for a cell array and i receive error.
so i ask you guys please help me:
is it possible to use cell array in matlab function block in simulink?


1 回答 1


MATLAB Function模块支持 Simulink 支持的所有数据类型,请参阅 Simulink 支持的数据类型,因此我相信不支持元胞数组。但是,您应该能够使用 Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 中的Fuzzy Logic Controller

于 2013-07-23T09:48:53.497 回答