当我运行以下代码时, strptime似乎忽略了时区值。只需设置本地时区的值(即 +10)。

这是输出,(在 Linux 上运行,使用 gcc 4.6.3 编译):

-----------2013-04-24T9:47:06+400 - %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
TM Break    H:9 is DST:0 GMT Off:0
The epoch value:    1366760826
DateTime in String:     04/24/13 - 09:47AM +1000

-----------2013-04-24T11:47:06+800 - %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
TM Break    H:11 is DST:0 GMT Off:36000
The epoch value:    1366768026
DateTime in String:     04/24/13 - 11:47AM +1000

-----------2013-04-24T9:47:06+0 - %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
TM Break    H:9 is DST:0 GMT Off:36000
The epoch value:    1366760826
DateTime in String:     04/24/13 - 09:47AM +1000

-----------2013-04-24T9:47:06+4 - %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
TM Break    H:9 is DST:0 GMT Off:36000
The epoch value:    1366760826
DateTime in String:     04/24/13 - 09:47AM +1000


void date_Test(){
    string dateStrings[] = {"2013-04-24T9:47:06+400"
                          , "2013-04-24T11:47:06+800"
                          , "2013-04-24T9:47:06+0"
                          , "2013-04-24T9:47:06+4"};
    string formatStrings[] = {"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"
                            , "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"
                            , "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"
                            , "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"};

process_Timezone(dateStrings, formatStrings);

void process_Timezone(string dateStrings[], string formatStrings[]){
    int num = 4; 

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        cout << endl << "-----------" << dateStrings[i] << " - " << formatStrings[i] << endl;
        tm *dtm = new tm;
        strptime(dateStrings[i].c_str(), formatStrings[i].c_str(), dtm);
        cout << "TM Break \tH:" << dtm->tm_hour << " is DST:" << dtm->tm_isdst << " GMT Off:"  << dtm->tm_gmtoff << endl;
        time_t ep_dt = mktime(dtm);
        cout << "The epoch value: \t" << ep_dt << endl;
        char buffer[40];
        strftime(buffer, 40,"%x - %I:%M%p %z", dtm);
        cout << "DateTime in String: \t" << buffer << endl;
        delete dtm;

3 回答 3


根据http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601您的一位和三位时区偏移量不是有效的 ISO 8601 值(strptime至少在 Linux 上使用的形式),它需要hh[:][mm]作为格式。

于 2013-07-23T04:53:34.290 回答

可能会迟到,但strptime确实正确解析了%z说明符,它将它存储在tm.tm_gmtoff变量中。这个变量不在标准中,而是一个 gnu 扩展。mktime不使用此变量。


strptime(<time_string>, dtm);
std::cout << dtm->tm_gmtoff;



auto offset = dtm->tm_gmtoff;
auto _epoch = mktime(dtm);
auto final_epoch = _epoch + offset


于 2019-11-15T19:09:29.260 回答

@Nguyen Ha Kien 的回答对我有帮助,但为了获得正确的纪元时间,我还需要在 mktime 填写之后将本地 UTC 偏移量考虑在内,而不是覆盖 libc 确定 DST 在指定时间是否处于活动状态这里的时间:

        int offset = dtm->tm_gmtoff;
        // Ask libc to work out whether the local timezone is in DST at this time.
        dtm->tm_isdst = -1;
        time_t ep_dt = mktime(dtm);
        ep_dt -= offset - dtm->tm_gmtoff;

int 而不是 auto 只是因为我正在编译 2011 时代的设置,希望像 pt123 最初使用的那样,以表明 Mark B 的答案得到 strptime 来为我解析 tm_gmtoff:

(ia32)martind@sirius:~/playpen$ ls /lib/libc-2.11.3.so 
(ia32)martind@sirius:~/playpen$ gcc -v
gcc version 4.4.5 (Debian 4.4.5-8) 
(ia32)martind@sirius:~/playpen$ g++ c-strptime-ignores-timezone-when-parsing.cpp 
(ia32)martind@sirius:~/playpen$ ./a.out

-----------2013-04-24T9:47:06+0400 - %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
TM Break    H:9 is DST:0 GMT Off:14400


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void process_Timezone(string dateStrings[], string formatStrings[]);
void date_Test();
int main(){
于 2021-09-02T11:57:16.630 回答