我遇到了同样的问题,在 appadmin.py 中创建了以下函数来自动创建表定义
import re
datyp = dict(
bit='boolean', tinyint='boolean',
smallint='integer', mediumint='integer', int='integer', bigint='bigint',
decimal='decimal', double='double', float='double',
char='password', varchar='string',
longtext='list:string', mediumtext='text', text='text', tinytext='text',
timestamp='datetime', datetime='datetime', date='date', time='time',
tinyblob='blob', blob='blob', mediumblob='blob', longblob='blob',
binary='blob', varbinary='blob'
# upload reference list:string list:integer list:reference
# json big-id big-reference
tdat = []
tbls = [t[0] for t in db.executesql('SHOW TABLES;')]
for tbl in tbls:
cols = [k.strip() for k in db.executesql(
'SHOW CREATE TABLE `' + tbl + '`;')[0][1].split('\n')]
fname = OrderedDict()
for col in cols:
if col.startswith('KEY'):
coln = re.findall('`([^`]*)`', col)
if (col.startswith('`')):
st = col.index(' ') + 1
typ = col[st:col.index('(' if '(' in col else
(' ' if ' ' in col[st:] else ','), st)]
ft = datyp[typ]
if (ft == 'string'):
st = col.index('(', st) + 1
ft = "'" + ft + "', length=" + col[st:col.index(')', st)]
elif (ft == 'decimal'):
st = col.index('(', st)
ft = "'" + ft + col[st:col.index(')', st) + 1] + "'"
ft = "'" + ft + "'"
if (not "DEFAULT NULL" in col) and ("'" in col):
st = col.index("DEFAULT '") + len("DEFAULT '")
ft += ', default=' + col[st:col.index("'", st)]
if 'NOT NULL' in col:
ft += ', required=True'
fname.update({coln[0]: ft})
if (len(coln) == 2 and col.startswith('UNIQUE KEY')):
fname[coln[1]] += ', unique=True'
if (len(coln) == 4):
sval = fname[coln[1]]
if 'integer' in sval:
sval = sval.replace('integer', 'reference db.' + coln[2])
elif 'bigint' in sval:
sval = sval.replace('bigint',
'big-reference db.' + coln[2])
fname[coln[1]] = sval
if ('ON DELETE ' in col) and (not 'CASCADE' in col):
st = col.index("ON DELETE ") + len("ON DELETE ")
sval = ', ondelete="' + col[st:col.index(" ON", st)] + '"'
fname[coln[1]] += sval
colstr = ["db.define_table('" + tbl + "',"]
for key, val in fname.items():
if (key == 'id'):
colstr.append("Field('" + key + "', " + val + "),")
response.view = 'default/index.html'
return dict(msg=tdat)