This may be a stupid question, so please forgive me. I'm still learning java-android. So for learning purposes I've created useless program. 1. When activity is launched it starts a simple service 2. Service registers broadcast receiver ( which listens for incoming SMS messages ) 3. When SMS message arrives, service should stop itself.
Here is my code: (Service class)
// This is my service class. Lifecycle methods are ommited
public void finish() {
Log.d("APP", "finish called");
Following is my broadcast receiver ( in seperate file)
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Log.d("APP", "SMS Received");
new MyService().finish();
So, when message arrives onReceive is triggered. Then finish() is called and executed ( I see in my LOGCAT ), but service is never destroyed.
On the other hand if I make this way in my service class:
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
Then service is created and right after then destroyed. Why is working this way, and not the other way also?