Tried to configure an openshift MongoDB Replica Set, so I configured the main openshift application instance, but when trying to add a new replica set member:

rsMeetPays:PRIMARY> rs.add('aaa.bbb.ccc:27017')
    "errmsg" : "exception: can't use localhost in repl set member names except when using it for all members",
    "code" : 13393,
    "ok" : 0

I made a ping from openshit to the server aaa.bbb.ccc, so it exists an it is alive. When trying to resolve the server's name:

[app-gear.rhcloud.com user]\> nslookup aaa.bbb.ccc
nslookup: isc_socket_bind: permission denied

So, can I assume MongoDB can not resolve names, and thus there is no way to set up a MongoDB replica set on Openshift?


1 回答 1


OpenShift 当前不支持 MongoDB 副本集。请在此处对该功能进行投票:
https ://www.openshift.com/content/support-replica-sets-for-mongodb

于 2013-07-22T18:28:49.897 回答