伙计们,我想将以下 Visual Basic 代码翻译成 R:
Function WetBulb(T As Double, WDes As Double, PAtm As Double)
' Function to calculate wet-bulb temperature from dry-bulb
' and humidity ratio
Dim Wsat As Double
Dim TWBOld As Double
Dim WOld As Double
Dim TWBNew As Double
Dim TWB As Double
Dim WStar As Double
Dim W As Double
Dim slope As Double
Wsat = HumRatRH(T, RHMax, PAtm)
TWBOld = T
WOld = Wsat
TWBNew = TWBOld - 1
WStar = HumRatRH(TWB, RHMax, PAtm)
W = ((HfgRef - (CpWat - CpVap) * TWB) * WStar - CpAir * (T - TWB)) / (HfgRef + CpVap * T - CpWat * TWB)
slope = (W - WOld) / (TWB - TWBOld)
TWBNew = TWB - (W - WDes) / slope
If Abs(W - WDes) < Abs(WOld - WDes) Then
WOld = W
End If
Loop Until Abs((TWBNew - TWB) / TWB) < tolRel
WetBulb = TWB
End Function
我遇到的困难是循环涉及一个向量,所以我需要以某种方式向量化这个循环以及 if 语句。下面是我的尝试,但我认为我只对需要矢量化的两个中的一个进行矢量化。我已经包含了所有必要的函数和常量,以便片段可以运行。功能在底部。我还包含了一个带有正确答案的片段测试代码。
# Constants independent of unit system
NMol = 0.62198 # ratio of molecular weights, Mvap/MAir
RHMax = 1 # maximum relative humidity, 1 or 100 (if percent)
tolRel = 0.000001 # relative error tolerance for iteration
# Constants for English Units
# Note: constants currently configured for PAtm in atmospheres
HfgRef = 1061 # heat of vaporization at 0C, Btu/hr.lbm.F
CpVap = 0.444 # specific heat of water vapor, Btu/hr.lbm.F
CpWat = 1 # specific heat of liquid water, Btu/hr.lbm.F
CpAir = 0.24 # specific heat of dry air, Btu/hr.lbm.F
RAir = 0.02521 # gas constant for air, (user pressure).ft3/lbm.R
kPaMult = 101.325 # multiplier to get kPascals from user pressure
TAbs = 459.67 # add to user temperature to get absolute temp
TKelMult = 0.555556 # multiplier to get Kelvin from user temp
TAmb = 70 # typical temperature in user units (initial value)
SatPress <- function(TArg) {
# Define constants for vapor pressure correlations
C1 = -5674.5359
C2 = -0.51523058
C3 = -0.009677843
C4 = 0.00000062215701
C5 = 2.0747825E-09
C6 = -9.484024E-13
C7 = 4.1635019
C8 = -5800.2206
C9 = -5.516256
C10 = -0.048640239
C11 = 0.000041764768
C12 = -0.000000014452093
C13 = 6.5459673
T = (TArg + TAbs) * TKelMult
# Use different correlations for pressure over ice or water
kPa.lo = exp(C1 / T + C2 + T * C3 + T * T * (C4 + T * (C5 + C6 * T)) + C7 * log(T))
kPa.hi = exp(C8 / T + C9 + T * (C10 + T * (C11 + T * C12)) + C13 * log(T))
kPa = ifelse(T < 273.15, kPa.lo, kPa.hi)
SatPress = kPa / kPaMult
HumRatRH = function(T,RH,PAtm) {
# function to calculate humidity ratio from temperature
# and relative humidity
pw = SatPress(T) * RH / RHMax
HumRatRH = NMol * pw / (PAtm - pw)
WetBulb = function(T, WDes,PAtm) {
# Function to calculate wet-bulb temperature from dry-bulb
# and humidity ratio
Wsat = HumRatRH(T, RHMax, PAtm)
TWBOld = T
WOld = Wsat
TWBNew = TWBOld - 1
iterate.TWB = function(x) {
repeat {
WStar = HumRatRH(TWB, RHMax, PAtm)
W = ((HfgRef - (CpWat - CpVap) * TWB) * WStar - CpAir * (T - TWB)) / (HfgRef + CpVap * T - CpWat * TWB)
slope = (W - WOld) / (TWB - TWBOld)
TWBNew = TWB - (W - x) / slope
TWBOld=ifelse(abs(W - x) < abs(WOld - x),TWB,TWBOld) # update TWBOld first
WOld=ifelse(abs(W - x) < abs(WOld - x),w,WOld) # then update WOld
if (abs((TWBNew - TWB) / TWB) < tolRel) break()
WetBulb = sapply(WDes, iterate.TWB)
temp = c(80,55,100)
w = c(0.011,0.009,0.016)
PAtm = 0.8187308
# The correct answer:
# 62.95381538 51.3986312 74.02877887