是否有谷歌应用引擎 api 来访问应用的使用情况统计信息。我想向用户显示应用程序的“数据存储读取操作”,以便他们知道他们离限制有多近。
是否有谷歌应用引擎 api 来访问应用的使用情况统计信息。我想向用户显示应用程序的“数据存储读取操作”,以便他们知道他们离限制有多近。
Currently there is no api to programatically access information on app engine datastore usage statistics including read, write quotas.
There was an app engine monitoring api project that was being considered to serve this purpose, but it seems to be on hold.
The feature request for a quota statistics api is still open. You can check if this potamus project for estimating usage information can be useful for your requirement.