未处理的异常 未定义的变量:pnUuid
如果我立即使用or跟随该打印,我可以在循环之前成功地回显 var ,也可以在循环内成功回显。
调用也规避了异常,但是 var 为NULL :(die()
global $pnUuid
public static function find( $input )
// instantiate
$resultsByBrand = array();
$brandDictionary = new BrandHashTable();
// attempt to get a PN UUID
$partnumber = PartNumberEntity::where( 'number', '=', $input['partnumber'] )->first();
$pnUuid = empty($partnumber) ? false : $partnumber->uuid;
// get current inventory for the PN
$rzStocklines = RzStockEntity::where('fullpartnumber', '=', $input['partnumber'])
->get( array('fullpartnumber', 'manufacturer', 'quantity'));
// process the stocklines
foreach( $rzStocklines AS $row )
// do our darndest to get a UUID for the Brand
$brandUuid = $brandDictionary->getUuid($row->manufacturer);
// set a key of either the brand name, or the uuid
$key = $brandUuid ? $brandUuid : $row->manufacturer;
// instantiate the object for this brands results
if( !array_key_exists($key, $resultsByBrand))
$resultsByBrand[$key] = new stdClass();
$resultsByBrand[$key]->partnumber = $row->fullpartnumber;
$resultsByBrand[$key]->brand = $row->manufacturer;
$resultsByBrand[$key]->quantity = 0;
$resultsByBrand[$key]->minimum_order_quantity = 1;
// include the qty with the total sum
$resultsByBrand[$key]->quantity += $row->quantity;
// make sure we need Product-level info before doing the work to get it
if( !isset( $resultsByBrand[$key]->grams_piece_weight ))
//echo '<pre>Brand UUID:<br />',print_r($brandUuid, TRUE),'</pre>'; // For Testing ----->
//echo '<pre>PN UUID:<br />',print_r($pnUuid, TRUE),'</pre>'; // For Testing ----->
//die('(Dead by request)'); // For Testing ----->
* This is a _**wierd**_ one ...
* An "Undefined Variable: $pnUuid" exception is getting thrown.
* If we call "die()" or "continue()", it goes away.
* Casting it as a global also works, but then it is NULL
global $pnUuid; // hackity hack hack hack
// check for product-level info
if( $brandUuid && $pnUuid )
$product = ProductEntity::where(
function ($query) use ($brandUuid, $pnUuid) {
$query->where('partnumber_uuid', '=', $pnUuid);
$query->where('company_uuid_brand', '=', $brandUuid);
// add product-level info to $resultsByBrand[$key]
if( !empty( $product ))
$resultsByBrand[$key]->grams_piece_weight = $product->piece_weight;
} //if( $brandUuid && $pnUuid...
} //if( !property_exists...
unset( $brandUuid, $pnUuid );
} //foreach( $rzStocklines AS...
return $resultsByBrand;