我有一个关于 GNUPLOT 中 x 轴的日期和时间的快速问题。我会让代码说话:
#Time Data in Data out
"2013-07-22 15:59:00" 6286 3730
"2013-07-22 15:58:00" 10695 14589
"2013-07-22 15:57:00" 17868 26464
"2013-07-22 15:56:00" 18880 34012
"2013-07-22 15:55:00" 19206 41192
"2013-07-22 15:54:00" 20365 43218
"2013-07-22 15:53:00" 18459 39298
"2013-07-22 15:52:00" 3420 4686
"2013-07-22 15:51:00" 3256 4942
gnuplot> set title "Data usage over the last 24 hours"
gnuplot> unset multiplot
gnuplot> set xdata time
gnuplot> set style data lines
gnuplot> set term png
Terminal type set to 'png'
Options are 'nocrop font "arial,12" fontscale 1.0 size 640,480 '
gnuplot> set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
gnuplot> set format x "%m-%d\n%H:%M"
gnuplot> set xlabel "Time"
gnuplot> set ylabel "Traffic"
gnuplot> set autoscale y
gnuplot> set xrange ["2013-07-21 16:00":"2013-07-22 16:00"]
gnuplot> set output "datausage.png"
gnuplot> plot "C:\\Users\\blah\\Desktop\\plot.tmp" using 1:2 t "inbound" w lines, "C:\\Users\\blah\\Desktop\\plot.tmp" u 1:3 t "outbound" w lines
all points y value undefined!