So I created a vertex shader that takes in an angle and calculates the rotation. There is a problem though that the model rotates around the world center and not its own axis/origin.
Side note: This is 2D rotation.
How do I make the model rotate through its own axis?
Here is my current vertex shader:
#version 150 core
in vec4 in_Position;
in vec4 in_Color;
in vec2 in_TextureCoord;
out vec4 pass_Color;
out vec2 pass_TextureCoord;
void main(void) {
gl_Position = in_Position;
pass_Color = in_Color;
pass_TextureCoord = in_TextureCoord;
Rotating CPU side:
Vector3f center = new Vector3f(phyxBody.getPosition().x,phyxBody.getPosition().y,0);
Matrix4f pos = new Matrix4f();
pos.m00 = (phyxBody.getPosition().x)-(getWidth()/30f/2f);
pos.m01 = (phyxBody.getPosition().y)+(getHeight()/30f/2f);
pos.m10 = (phyxBody.getPosition().x)-(getWidth()/30f/2f);
pos.m11 = (phyxBody.getPosition().y)-(getHeight()/30f/2f);
pos.m20 = (phyxBody.getPosition().x)+(getWidth()/30f/2f);
pos.m21 = (phyxBody.getPosition().y)-(getHeight()/30f/2f);
pos.m30 = (phyxBody.getPosition().x)+(getWidth()/30f/2f);
pos.m31 = (phyxBody.getPosition().y)+(getHeight()/30f/2f);
Result is a weird rotated stretch of the object.. Do you know why? Don't worry about the /30f part.
- phyxBody is an instance of the class Body from the JBox2D library. phyxBody.getAngle() is in raidians.
- Matrix4f is a class from the LWJGL library.
Vector3f center = new Vector3f(0,0,0);
Matrix4f pos = new Matrix4f();
pos.m00 = -(getWidth()/30f/2f);
pos.m01 = +(getHeight()/30f/2f);
pos.m10 = -(getWidth()/30f/2f);
pos.m11 = -(getHeight()/30f/2f);
pos.m20 = +(getWidth()/30f/2f);
pos.m21 = -(getHeight()/30f/2f);
pos.m30 = +(getWidth()/30f/2f);
pos.m31 = +(getHeight()/30f/2f);
pos.m00 += phyxBody.getPosition().x;
pos.m01 += phyxBody.getPosition().y;
pos.m10 += phyxBody.getPosition().x;
pos.m11 += phyxBody.getPosition().y;
pos.m20 += phyxBody.getPosition().x;
pos.m21 += phyxBody.getPosition().y;
pos.m30 += phyxBody.getPosition().x;
pos.m31 += phyxBody.getPosition().y;
This is currently the transformation code, yet the rotation still doesn't work correctly.
My try at the rotate method: (What am I doing wrong?)
if (phyxBody.getAngle() != 0.0) {
pos.m00 *= Math.cos(Math.toDegrees(phyxBody.getAngle()));
pos.m01 *= Math.sin(Math.toDegrees(phyxBody.getAngle()));
pos.m10 *= -Math.sin(Math.toDegrees(phyxBody.getAngle()));
pos.m11 *= Math.cos(Math.toDegrees(phyxBody.getAngle()));
pos.m20 *= Math.cos(Math.toDegrees(phyxBody.getAngle()));
pos.m21 *= Math.sin(Math.toDegrees(phyxBody.getAngle()));
pos.m30 *= -Math.sin(Math.toDegrees(phyxBody.getAngle()));
pos.m31 *= Math.cos(Math.toDegrees(phyxBody.getAngle()));