I have these tables in an Android based application where I'm using OrmLite for the database management.
What I want to have an x number of array list depending on how many of the product type FOLDER I have.
So in this case I want to a list of products where the productId equals parentId. So I want a list where
if(productType = FOLDER) {
if(productId = parentId){
//add product
Basically what I want to end up with, in this case three lists with each containing a list of products where parentId is the same for every product.
I've tried many things, and some works better than others, but a code I want to run actually throws a nullpointer.
DatabaseHelper dbHelper = getHelper();
List<Product> productsParents = null;
try {
Dao<Product, Integer> dao = dbHelper.getDao();
PreparedQuery<Product> prepQu = dao.queryBuilder().where()
.eq("parentId", dao.queryBuilder().selectColumns("productId").where()
.eq("productType", ProductType.FOLDER).prepare()).prepare();
productsParents = dao.query(prepQu);
} catch (SQLException e) {
This code isn't working because productParents returns null, and it does not do what I want, even though it's a slight hint. If someone know how to do this in code that would be sufficient also, or more likely a mix of java and ormlite.