I'm crying blood at the moment. What more can I do to trouble-shoot and analyse the problem?

I've deployed my WCF service layer but can't access it. In the same physical directory I that the SVC files are uploaded to, I also placed a static HTML file. The first line gets me that file, while the second complains about the resource being removed, renamed, unavailable etc.


When I deployed the service layer to Azure, I got a WSDL file when accessing it. I'm pretty sure that I'm forgetting some setting on the server but I need a hint on what to look for.

The files are there so the publish process works. The same problem occurs if I try to access the services directly on the server using localhost. Suggestions are welcome.


I ran aspnet_regiis.exe -iru as suggested here and here. I also went through all the settings I could find and I've made sure that WAS is on and that .NET Framework is checked.

I followed this guide too, in order to make sure that I haven't overlooked anything. According to it, I didn't - everything was already set up as suggested.

Two system services are stopped (ASP.NET State Service and Web Management Service) but as far I can see, they aren't the problem.

Apparently, the handlers seem to be configured properly as well as the screenshot illustrates. The error message is also included.

enter image description here

enter image description here


1 回答 1



  1. IIS 端 svc 扩展的处理程序。
  2. 应用程序池的 .Net 运行时版本。
于 2013-07-24T12:40:41.807 回答