这个递归 Perl/PCRE 正则表达式应该能够匹配任何有效的 JSON 或 JSON5 对象,包括嵌套对象和边缘情况,例如 JSON 字符串中的大括号或 JSON5 注释:
( # Begin capture group (matching a JSON object).
\{ # Match opening brace for JSON object.
(?: # Begin non-capturing group to contain alternations.
(?>[^{}"'\/]+) # Match a non-empty string which contains no braces, quotes or slashes, without backtracking.
| # Alternation; next alternative follows.
(?>"(?:(?>[^\\"]+)|\\.)*") # Match a double-quoted JSON string, without backtracking.
| # Alternation; next alternative follows.
(?>'(?:(?>[^\\']+)|\\.)*') # Match a single-quoted JSON5 string, without backtracking.
| # Alternation; next alternative follows.
(?>\/\/.*\n) # Match a single-line JSON5 comment, without backtracking.
| # Alternation; next alternative follows.
(?>\/\*.*?\*\/) # Match a multi-line JSON5 comment, without backtracking.
| # Alternation; next alternative follows.
(?-1) # Recurse to most recent capture group, to match a nested JSON object.
)* # End of non-capturing group; match zero or more repetitions of this group.
\} # Match closing brace for JSON object.
) # End of capture group (matching a JSON object).