我正在尝试查找特定标签的 nextSibling innerText,但是当我尝试解析包含空格或换行符的 html 字符串时,我无法获得正确的值


private string getTableTdValue()
    /*If I strip all white space between tag I get proper results
    string myHtml =
        "<td align='right' width='186'>Text1</td><td align='center' width='51'>Here the result I want to get</td><td width='186'>Text2</td>";*/

    string myHtml =
        <td align='right' width='186'>Text1</td>
        <td align='center' width='51'>Here the result I want to get</td>
        <td width='186'>Text2</td>";

    HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
    HtmlNodeCollection cols = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//td[@width='186']");

    var tdValue = string.Empty;
    foreach (HtmlNode col in cols)
        if (col.InnerText == "Text1")
            tdValue = col.NextSibling.InnerText;            

    return tdValue;


我可以在不需要删除标签之间的所有空格的情况下获得 nextSibling 值吗?


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