

扳机 :

trigger Points_FromContact_Trigger on Contact (after delete, after update) {
    //This is an empty list of contacts that will contain all General contacts from our DML action
    List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();
    //This is a string variable to hold the  Contact Record Type -  General recordTypeId
    String General = RecordHandler_GetRecordTypeId.getId(EnvironmentClass_RecordTypeNames.General, Schema.Sobjecttype.Contact.getName());
    if(trigger.isDelete) //If the DML action was a delete...
        //... for every contact in the delete action...
        for(Contact c: trigger.old)
            //... if the contact record type is the General...
            if(c.RecordTypeId == General)
                //... then add the contact to our list of contacts.
    else //This is an insert/update DML action.
        //For every contact in the DML action...
        for(Contact c: trigger.new)
            //... if the contact record type is the ES Contact Record Type - General...
            if(c.RecordTypeId == General)
                //... then add the contact to our list of contacts.

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