快速 MYSQL/PHP 问题。如果使用普通搜索查询未找到任何结果,我将使用“不那么严格”的搜索查询作为后备,以调整:

foreach($find_array as $word) { 
  clauses[] = "(firstname SOUNDS LIKE '$word%' OR lastname SOUNDS LIKE '$word%')";
if (!empty($clauses)) $filter='('.implode(' AND ', $clauses).')';
$query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE $filter";

现在,我使用 PHP 来突出显示结果,例如:

foreach ($find_array as $term_to_highlight){
    foreach ($result as $key => $result_string){
        $result[$key]=highlight_stuff($result_string, $term_to_highlight);

但是当我不知道要突出什么时,这种方法就会失败。有什么方法可以在运行该 mysql 查询时找出“声音相似”匹配是什么?



2 回答 2


请注意,SOUNDS LIKE这并不像您认为的那样有效。它不等同LIKE于 MySQL,因为它不支持%通配符。

这意味着您的查询在搜索“John”时不会找到“John David”。如果这只是您的后备方案,这可能是可以接受的,但这并不理想。

所以这里有一个不同的建议(可能需要改进);首先使用 PHPssoundex()函数找到您要查找的关键字的 soundex。

$soundex = soundex($word);
$soundexPrefix = substr($soundex, 0, 2); // first two characters of soundex
$sql = "SELECT lastname, firstname ".
    "FROM table WHERE SOUNDEX(lastname) LIKE '$soundexPrefix%' ".
    "OR SOUNDEX(firstname) LIKE '$soundexPrefix%'";

现在您将有一个名字和姓氏的列表,它们在发音上具有模糊的相似性(这可能是很多条目,您可能希望增加用于搜索的 soundex 前缀的长度)。然后,您可以计算每个单词的 soundex 和您的搜索词之间的 Levenshtein 距离,并按此排序。

其次,您应该查看 MySQL 中的参数化查询,以避免 SQL 注入错误。

于 2009-11-23T02:38:42.877 回答

SOUND LIKE 条件只是比较两个单词的 SOUNDEX 键,您可以使用 PHP soundex() 函数生成相同的键。

因此,如果您找到匹配的行并需要找出要突出显示的单词,您可以同时获取名字和姓氏,然后使用 PHP 查找匹配的行并仅突出显示该单词。


// A space seperated string of keywords, presumably from a search box somewhere.
$search_string = 'John Doe';

// Create a data array to contain the keywords and their matches.
// Keywords are grouped by their soundex keys.
$data = array();
foreach(explode(' ', $search_string) as $_word) {
    $data[soundex($_word)]['keywords'][] = $_word;

// Execute a query to find all rows matching the soundex keys for the words.
$soundex_list = "'". implode("','", array_keys($data)) ."'";
$sql = "SELECT id, firstname, lastname
        FROM   sounds_like
        WHERE  SOUNDEX(firstname) IN({$soundex_list})
        OR     SOUNDEX(lastname)  IN({$soundex_list})";
$sql_result = $dbLink->query($sql);

// Add the matches to their respective soundex key in the data array.
// This checks which word matched, the first or last name, and tags
// that word as the match so it can be highlighted later.
if($sql_result) {
    while($_row = $sql_result->fetch_assoc()) {
        foreach($data as $_soundex => &$_elem) {
            if(soundex($_row['firstname']) == $_soundex) {
                $_row['matches'] = 'firstname';
                $_elem['matches'][] = $_row;
            else if(soundex($_row['lastname']) == $_soundex) {
                $_row['matches'] = 'lastname';
                $_elem['matches'][] = $_row;

// Print the results as a simple text list.
header('content-type: text/plain');
echo "-- Possible results --\n";

foreach($data as $_group) {
    // Print the keywords for this group's soundex key.
    $keyword_list = "'". implode("', '", $_group['keywords']) ."'";
    echo "For keywords: {$keyword_list}\n";

    // Print all the matches for this group, if any.
    if(isset($_group['matches']) && count($_group['matches']) > 0) {
        foreach($_group['matches'] as $_match) {
            // Highlight the matching word by encapsulatin it in dashes.
            if($_match['matches'] == 'firstname') {
                $_match['firstname'] = "-{$_match['firstname']}-";
            else {
                $_match['lastname'] = "-{$_match['lastname']}-";

            echo " #{$_match['id']}: {$_match['firstname']} {$_match['lastname']}\n";
    else {
        echo " No matches.\n";

一个更通用的函数,从字符串中提取匹配的 soundex 词可能如下所示:

 * Attempts to find the first word in the $heystack that is a soundex
 * match for the $needle.
function find_soundex_match($heystack, $needle) {
    $words = explode(' ', $heystack);
    $needle_soundex = soundex($needle);
    foreach($words as $_word) {
        if(soundex($_word) == $needle_soundex) {
            return $_word;
    return false;


foreach ($find_array as $term_to_highlight){
    foreach ($result as $key => $result_string){
        $match_to_highlight = find_soundex_match($result_string, $term_to_highlight);
        $result[$key]=highlight_stuff($result_string, $match_to_highlight);


于 2009-11-23T01:44:50.253 回答