我正在使用 Visilogic 9.4.0 来观察驻留在我们机器人中的 PLC 单元的寄存器值。我想在一组特定事件之前和之后捕获寄存器值(特别是 MB、MI 和 ML 寄存器)的快照。

有没有办法导出所有的寄存器值?CSV 或 Excel 输出将是理想的,但我对任何合理的结果集持开放态度。我可以通过手动检查寄存器在 Visilogic IDE 中进行前后比较,但在这种特殊情况下,我正在寻找一个可能是由于数千个寄存器中的一个不同而导致的错误。比较两个 CSV 文件比手动比较数千个单独的寄存器要容易得多。


1 回答 1


I think that the easiest way to achieve what you require would be to write the registers and bits that you require to a datatable, this could be done with a write column command and should not take up too much program. You could write to successive columns each time you wanted to capture the registers and then export the whole datatable to Excel via the 'Export to Excel' button.

Let me know if you need any more help.

于 2013-07-24T12:54:47.137 回答