基本上,这是一个使用 Glut/OPENGL 的 8-Puzzle,计算机会在其中搜索您,并且应该将动作输出给所述用户。空白总是从中间开始。我将订单保存在一个数组中,然后需要输出动作。我被难住的是搜索本身。
#include <stdio.h> // standard C libraries
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <GL/glut.h> // GLUT library
#include "cs_graphics_setup.h" // Header for CS4250/5250/6250 courses
// Constants
#define WINDOW_XS 25 // Window size
#define WINDOW_YS 256
#define WINDOW_NAME "Sliding Box Game" // Window name
#define FONT_10 GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10 // font size to 10
#define FONT_24 GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24 // font size to 24
#define ANI_MSEC 10 // gap between frames
// Structures
typedef struct pt
GLfloat x, y;
} MyPoint;
// Global Variables
MyPoint bottomLeftPt;
int xside = 80;
int yside = 80;
int innerx = 70;
int innery = 70;
int i, j, temp, v;
int arrayNumRand[9] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6, 7, 8};
//multidimensional array that holds the x-coordinate of the big square, the
//y-coordinate of the big square, and the number that is to be displayed.
int arrayCoord[9][2] =
{8, 168},
{88, 168},
{168, 168},
{8, 88},
{88, 88},
{168, 88},
{8, 8},
{88, 8},
{168, 8}
//int goUp = 0; // 0- go up, 1- come down
// Function prototypes
void display_func(void);
void keyboard_func(unsigned char c, int x, int y);
//void animation_func(int val);
void drawSquareFn(int, int, int, int, int);
void display_num(int, int, int);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
glutInit(&argc, argv);
//initial testing of arrayNumRand randomization
for(i = 0; i <9; i++)
j = (rand() %8)+1;
if(j != 4 && i != 4)
temp = arrayNumRand[i];
arrayNumRand[i] = arrayNumRand[j];
arrayNumRand[j] = temp;
for(i = 0; i <9; i++)
printf(" %d", arrayNumRand[i]);
//glutTimerFunc(ANI_MSEC, animation_func, 0);
return 1;
} // end of main()
void display_func(void)
glClearColor(0.50, 78.0, 139.0, 0.0); // background color (purple)
glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // clearing the buffer not to keep the color
for(v = 0; v <9; v ++)
drawSquareFn(arrayCoord[v][0], arrayCoord[v][1], xside, yside, v);
glutSwapBuffers(); // double buffering
} // end of display_func()
void keyboard_func(unsigned char c, int x, int y)
/*case 'b' :
case 'B' :
//breadth_first_search function
case 'd' :
case 'D' :
//depth_first_search function
case 'i' :
case 'I' :
for(i = 0; i <9; i++)
j = (rand() %8)+1;
if(j != 4 && i != 4)
temp = arrayNumRand[i];
arrayNumRand[i] = arrayNumRand[j];
arrayNumRand[j] = temp;
for(i = 0; i <9; i++)
printf(" %d", arrayNumRand[i]);
case 'Q' :
case 'q' :
printf("Good Bye !\n");
exit(0); // terminates the program
} // end of switch
} // end of keyboard_func()
/*void animation_func(int val)
int moveGap = 5;
if( goUp == 0 )
bottomLeftPt.x += moveGap;
bottomLeftPt.y += moveGap;
if( bottomLeftPt.x+recLength > WINDOW_XS)
bottomLeftPt.x -= moveGap;
bottomLeftPt.y -= moveGap;
goUp = 1;
else if( bottomLeftPt.y+recHeight > WINDOW_YS)
bottomLeftPt.x -= moveGap;
bottomLeftPt.y -= moveGap;
goUp = 1;
else // goUp = 1
bottomLeftPt.x -= moveGap;
bottomLeftPt.y -= moveGap;
if( bottomLeftPt.x < 50)
bottomLeftPt.x += moveGap;
bottomLeftPt.y += moveGap;
goUp = 0;
else if( bottomLeftPt.y < 50)
bottomLeftPt.x += moveGap;
bottomLeftPt.y += moveGap;
goUp = 0;
glutTimerFunc(ANI_MSEC, animation_func, 0);
}//end animation_func*/
//beginning of drawSquare Function to create the two nested squares and place the number on the board.
void drawSquareFn(int x, int y, int xside, int yside, int num)
// draw a rectangle
glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // setting pen color (black)
glVertex2i(x, y);
glVertex2i(x+xside, y);
glVertex2i(x+xside, y+yside);
glVertex2i(x, y+yside);
// draw the outline of rectangle
glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // setting pen color (black)
glVertex2i(x, y);
glVertex2i(x+xside, y);
glVertex2i(x+xside, y);
glVertex2i(x+xside, y+yside);
glVertex2i(x+xside, y+yside);
glVertex2i(x, y+yside);
glVertex2i(x, y+yside);
x += 5;
y += 5;
if(arrayNumRand[num] != 0)
// draw inner rectangle
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // setting pen color (black)
glVertex2i(x, y);
glVertex2i(x+innerx, y);
glVertex2i(x+innerx, y+innery);
glVertex2i(x, y+innery);
//// draw the outline of rectangle
//glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // setting pen color (black)
// glVertex2i(x, y);
// glVertex2i(x+innerx, y);
// glVertex2i(x+innerx, y);
// glVertex2i(x+innerx, y+innery);
// glVertex2i(x+innerx, y+innery);
// glVertex2i(x, y+innery);
// glVertex2i(x, y+innery);
// glVertex2i(x,y);
// glEnd();
x += 23;
y += 23;
//new x value, new y-value, and the number listed above and decide upon color display_num
display_num(x, y, num);
void display_num(int newx, int newy, int newnum)
int points[10];
int i = 0, j;
int pos;
int is_negative = 0;
for(j = 0; j < 10; j++)
points[j] = ' ';
if(newnum < 0)
is_negative = 1;
newnum *= -1;
while(newnum > 9)
points[i] = newnum % 10;
newnum = newnum / 10;
i += 1;
points[i] = 1;
glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
pos = newx;
if(is_negative == 1)
glRasterPos2i(pos, newy);
glutBitmapCharacter(FONT_24, '-');
pos += glutBitmapWidth(FONT_24, '-');
glRasterPos2i(pos, newy);
glutBitmapCharacter(FONT_24, (char)(arrayNumRand[newnum]+48));
pos += glutBitmapWidth(FONT_24, (char)(arrayNumRand[newnum]+48));
void breadthFirstSearch()
void depthFirstSearch()