在 bash 中,如果我在反引号内一起执行几个命令,如何找出第一个命令的退出状态?

即在这种情况下,我试图得到“1”。如果我不使用反引号,我可以通过 PIPESTATUS[0] 获得,但是当我想保存输出时它似乎不起作用:

## PIPESTATUS[0] works to give me the exit status of 'false':
$ false | true;
$ echo $? ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ${PIPESTATUS[1]};
0 1 0

## doesn't work:
$ a=`false | true`;
$ echo $? ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ${PIPESTATUS[1]};
0 0


$ myvar=` ./someprogram | tail -1 `;
$ if [ "what do i put here" ]; then echo "program failed!"; fi




3 回答 3




set +o pipefail

创建一个perl脚本 ( script.pl) 来测试管道:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use warnings;
use strict;

if ( @ARGV ) { 
    die "Line1\nLine2\nLine3\n";
else {
    print "Line1\nLine2\nLine3\n";


myvar=`perl script.pl | tail -1`
echo $? "$myvar"


0 Line3


set -o pipefail


myvar=`perl script.pl fail 2>&1 | tail -1`
echo $? "$myvar"


255 Line3
于 2013-07-21T20:24:31.670 回答

我的解决方案是使用 fifos 和内置的 bash “coproc” 从管道中的每个命令获取消息和状态。我以前从未使用过fifos。(哦,男孩,下次我在 Fedora 上使用 BashEclipse 时)。它变成了管理任何管道命令的通用机制。我解决了这个问题,但不是 10 或 20 行代码。对于一个强大的可重复使用的解决方案,更像是 200(我花了三天时间才这样做)。


* stderr for all pipe commands goes to the fifos.  
  If you want to get messages from stdout, you must redirect '1>&2', like this:  
  PIPE_ARRAY=("cat ${IMG}.md5" "cut -f1 -d\" \" 1>&2")  
  You must put "2>/fifo" first. Otherwise it won\'t work. example:  
    cat ${IMG}.md5 | cut -f1 -d' ' 1>&2  
    cat ${IMG}.md5 2>/tmp/fifo_s0 | cut -f1 -d" " 2>/tmp/fifo_s1 1>&2 ; PSA=( "${PIPESTATUS[@]}" )

* With more tha one fifo, I found that you must read each fifo in turn.  
  When "fifo1" gets written to, "fifo0" reads are blocked until you read "fifo1"  
  I did\'nt use any special tricks like "sleep", "cat", or extra file descriptors  
  to keep the fifos open.  

* PIPESTATUS[@] must be copied to an array immediately after the pipe command returns.  
  _Any_ reads of PIPESTATUS[@] will erase the contents. Super volatile !  
  "manage_pipe()" appends '; PSA=( "${PIPESTATUS[@]}" )' to the pipe command string  
  for this reason. "$?" is the same as the last element of "${PIPESTATUS[@]}",  
  and reading it seems to destroy "${PIPESTATUS[@]}", but it's not absolutly verifed.

run_pipe_cmd() {  
  declare -a PIPE_ARRAY MSGS  
  PIPE_ARRAY=("dd if=${gDEVICE} bs=512 count=63" "md5sum -b >${gBASENAME}.md5")  
  manage_pipe PIPE_ARRAY[@] "MSGS"  # (pass MSGS name, not the array) 
manage_pipe () {
  # input  - $1 pipe cmds array, $2 msg retvar name
  # output - fifo msg retvar
  # create fifos, fifo name array, build cnd string from $1 (re-order redirection if needed)
  # run coprocess 'coproc execute_pipe FIFO[@] "$CMDSTR"'
  # call 'read_fifos FIFO[@] "M" "S"' (pass names, not arrays for $2 and $3)
  # calc last_error, call _error, _errorf
  # set msg retvar values (eval ${2}[${i}]='"${Msg[${i}]}"')
read_fifos() {  
  # input  - $1 fifo array, $2 msg retvar name, $3 status retvar name  
  # output - msg, status retvars  
  # init local fifo_name, pipe_cmd_status, msg arrays  
  # do read loop until all 'quit' msgs are received
  # set msg, status retvar values (i.e. eval ${3}[${i}]='"${Status[${i}]}"' 
execute_pipe() {  
  # $1 fifo array, $2 cmdstr, $3 msg retvar, $4 status retvar   
  # init local fifo_name, pipe_cmd_status arrays
  # execute command string, get pipestaus  (eval "$_CMDSTR" 1>&2)
  # set fifo statuses from copy of PIPESTATUS
  # write 'status', 'quit' msgs to fifo  
于 2013-11-02T01:12:52.187 回答

问题是反引号会启动一个子shell。您的子 shell 有自己的${PIPESTATUS[@]}数组,但不会保留在父 shell 中。这是将其推入输出变量$a然后将其检索到名为的新数组中的技巧${PIPESTATUS2[@]}

## PIPESTATUS[0] works to give me the exit status of 'false':
$ false | true
$ echo $? ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ${PIPESTATUS[1]}
0 1 0

## Populate a $PIPESTATUS2 array:
$ a=`false | true; printf :%s "${PIPESTATUS[*]}"`
$ ANS=$?; PIPESTATUS2=(${a##*:})
$ [ -n "${a%:*}" ] && a="${a%:*}" && a="${a%$'\n'}" || a=""
$ echo $ANS ${PIPESTATUS2[0]} ${PIPESTATUS2[1]};
0 1 0

这会将子 shell 的${PIPESTATUS[@]}数组保存为末尾以空格分隔的值列表,$a然后使用 shell 变量子字符串删除将其提取(请参阅我给这个类似问题的更长示例和描述)。仅当您确实要保存$a不带额外状态的值时才需要第三行(就像false | true在此示例中运行一样)。

于 2017-06-01T20:50:12.970 回答