There's a game for iOS, Unblock Me, that takes a given grid/board and subdivides that grid into blocks of different sizes and shapes.

Could someone give me a push as to what the algorithm to accomplish such a task would look like? Given a grid, subdivide the grid into smaller pieces, like the blocks in Unblock Me but also include squares as well as rectangles. I still want to figure it out myself but I'm having some trouble getting started.


Also ideally the solution would leave no empty space within the original grid, it would have been subdivided in such a way that all spots are being used given a certain # of subdivisions.


1 回答 1


您可以有一些标准块大小和定义的网格大小。例如,以 Unblock Me 为例:grid_size 可以是 4*4,block_size1 可以是 3*1,block_size2 可以是 2*1 等等。然后您可以定义,或者将您想要的块数作为输入网格。使用动态编程或递归回溯来用这些块填充网格。

于 2013-07-21T19:52:10.417 回答