我使用 Web 服务 API 从数据库(mySQL)加载信息。转换到 UITableViewController 时,我在 VieDidLoad 方法中检索包含类别的数组。但是,我无法显示进入表格视图单元格的类别数组。另一方面,当我初始化类别 NSMutubaleArray 并对其进行硬编码时,表格视图确实显示了信息。我试图了解在加载此数组并将其填充到 tableview 的步骤中我做错了什么。这是我的代码:

- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];

//When I init the _categoryList the way below, it displays the info.
//_categoryList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"Trending",@"Sports",@"Portraits", @"Art",@"IdUser", nil];
    _toCategory = [[NSString alloc]init];

//When I try to populate it from the server it doesnt work.
_categoryList = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
//just call the "getCategories" command from the web API
[[API sharedInstance] commandWithParams:[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                           onCompletion:^(NSDictionary *json) {
                               //got stream
                               NSArray *tempArray = [json objectForKey:@"result"];
                            for (int i=0;i<tempArray.count;i++){

                                [_categoryList insertObject:[tempArray objectAtIndex:i] atIndex:i];

                               //I verify that I was able to retrieve the array with the correct conent.
                               [self printArray:_categoryList];
                               NSLog(@"got categories");
                               [self.tableView reloadData];



JSON 返回是一个带有 NSDictioanry 的数组。我打印出它的内容只是为了确保,通过调用 JsonArray objectForKey['categories'] 并得到这个:

   SwiphtMVPClone[2410:11303] Array at Index 0 = Trending
   SwiphtMVPClone[2410:11303] Array at Index 1 = Sports
   SwiphtMVPClone[2410:11303] Array at Index 2 = Portraits
   SwiphtMVPClone[2410:11303] Array at Index 3 = Art

现在,我的应用程序实际上正在崩溃 - 收到此错误:

 [__NSCFDictionary isEqualToString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x72a85d0

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