I want to make a div visible when hovering another div. Now, I know this can be implemented using simply jquery but its not working. I am populating a list using javascript as given below :
function coachingLink(data, list) {
list = list
+ '<div class="**coachingLinkDisplay**"><p class="coachingLink" align="left" style="color:#CD3700;">'
+ data.coachingName
+ '</p><br/>'
+ '<p class="title" style="color:black;font-size:14pt;">Subjects : '
+ subjects + '</p><br/><p class="content" align="left"></b>'
+ data.description + '</p></div></a><a href="batch.html?coachingId='
+ data.coachingId
+ '" class="**batchButton**"><b>View Batches</b></a>';
return list;
Now what I want that when hovering over coachingLinkDisplay, batchButton should appear (whose display is none initially) . So I wrote the code :
function() {
$('.coachingLinkDisplay').hover(function() {
$('.batchButton').css('display', 'block');
But the code is not working. It seems as the list is being populated using JS, may be the above jquery snippet is failing as I have tried the snippet for normal div and is working properly. So, I tried to use css approach as I read in various blogs:
.coachingLinkDisplay:hover + .batchButton{
But again no luck..is there any problem in above css code? Please help me out here...how to implement my requirement...?