我真的是VB的初学者,所以如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激。我的问题真的很简单。我有一个普通的 .txt 文件(比如说 test.txt)我想在两个特定字符(比如说字符 5 和 6)上的特定行(比如说第 22 行)上进行搜索。如果找到的数字大于 18,则执行 .bat 文件。如果不是什么都不做。
Public Sub FindCode()
Dim tempLines As List(Of String)
Dim position As Int32
tempLines = ReadFileLines("c:\filename.txt")
If tempLines Is Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("file not read")
End If
If tempLines.Count < 22 Then
MessageBox.Show("Line 22 does not exist")
End If
'position of line is one less than we are lookign for since List(Of T) is zero based
position = 22 - 1
If tempLines(position).Length < 6 Then
MessageBox.Show("Line 22 does not have 6 characters")
End If
If IsNumeric(tempLines(position).Substring(4, 2)) = False Then
'characters 5 and 6 (zero based (4) for 2 characters)
MessageBox.Show("characters 5-6 are not numeric")
End If
If CInt(tempLines(position).Substring(4, 2)) <= 18 Then
MessageBox.Show("characters 5-6 are less than or equal to 18")
End If
End Sub
Public Function ReadFileLines(p_fileName As String) As List(Of String)
If System.IO.File.Exists(p_fileName) = False Then
MessageBox.Show("File does not exist")
Return Nothing
End If
Return System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(p_fileName).ToList()
End Function