I'm using some basic processor detection in an installer, to determine which version of a software package should be available to the user. Currently, I'm going through WMI to get some basic information, but I found out that doing that, I very regularly get unreliable results for the CPU features (CPUID is apparently poorly supported on a good number of mobile processors).

To avoid this kind of issue and to speed things up, I've been looking at getting the processor capabilities from the windows registry instead -- after all, the information should all be available there, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor{n} Reading a key from the registry makes the installer much simpler in code, doesn't have to call out to WMI (slow and can fail since I'd have to rely on calling out to a language like VBScript with WMI access, while registry operations are supported as standard in my development scripting language) and should avoid getting incorrect information from CPU value issues through it.

Sure, enough, I found a wealth of information, but the most important part, the "FeatureSet" value stored there, which I assume is a DWORD containing flags about available processor features like SIMD instruction sets etc., is not documented anywhere. I've spent a good while searching the 'net now trying to find any sort of documentation about this registry value, to no avail.

Does anyone have a document outlining or describing the bits in that registry value?


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