在 John Resig 的高级 Javascript 幻灯片 ( http://ejohn.org/apps/learn/#76 ) 中,他写道,为了维护子对象的原型链,您必须实例化一个新的父对象。
function Person(){}
Person.prototype.dance = function(){};
function Ninja(){}
// Achieve similar, but non-inheritable, results
Ninja.prototype = Person.prototype;
Ninja.prototype = { dance: Person.prototype.dance };
assert( (new Ninja()) instanceof Person, "Will fail with bad prototype chain." );
// Only this maintains the prototype chain
Ninja.prototype = new Person();
var ninja = new Ninja();
assert( ninja instanceof Ninja, "ninja receives functionality from the Ninja prototype" );
assert( ninja instanceof Person, "... and the Person prototype" );
assert( ninja instanceof Object, "... and the Object prototype" );
function Person(){}
Person.prototype.dance = function(){console.log("Dance")};
function Ninja(){}
// Achieve similar, but non-inheritable, results
Ninja.prototype = Person.prototype;
assert( (new Ninja()) instanceof Person, "Will fail with bad prototype chain." );
var ninja = new Ninja();
assert( ninja instanceof Ninja, "ninja receives functionality from the Ninja prototype" );
assert( ninja instanceof Person, "... and the Person prototype" );
assert( ninja instanceof Object, "... and the Object prototype" );