I have declared two input [32:0] ports in1,in2 and an output reg [32:0] out
in the always block, the code goes as follows: out=in1+in2;
now it works fine for add, but when in1=0 and in2=-1, out is always 0x0000ffff instead of 0xffffffff
I tried declaring integer [32:0] types but I don't think am doing it properly.
(transcribed from comment:)
module adder(out, in1, in2, sub);
output reg[31:0] out;
input [31:0] in1, in2;
input [4:0] sub;
always @(*) begin
case (sub)
`ALU_ADD: begin out=alutemp1+alutemp2; //out=in1+in2;
$display("in1 %x and in2 %x and out %x\n",in1,in2,out);
Please advice, Thanks