
<video controls width="100%">
                <source src="/learn/guide/test.mp4">
                    <p>Your browser does not support H.264/MP4.</p>

以上适用于除 Mac 上的 Firefox 和 Windows 上的 Chrome 之外的所有内容。

在 Firefox for Mac 上,我收到以下错误消息:

no video with supported format and mime type found

在 Windows 版 Chrome 上,我收到以下错误消息:

the video cannot be found it may have been removed from the server.

chrome 错误没有意义,因为它适用于所有其他浏览器。



2 回答 2


你有备用源文件吗?Firefox (Mac) 无法播放 .mp4。 一条链接

铬可以。您是否在同一台 Windows 计算机上尝试过其他浏览器?确保您与该路径所在的任何地方都有网络连接,如果必须,请重新启动。

于 2013-07-21T06:03:46.537 回答

While I only use mediaelement.js for Audio currently, this type of situation is exactly what it was made for.

One drawback is you need to maintain several file formats, but this mainly concerns browser limitations. AFAIK you can't use MP4 in all common browsers. Mediaelement.js is not really for streaming either.

于 2013-07-20T23:22:19.000 回答