Even more generic than answer by @yauhen-yakimovich:
Using Timeout
var repeat = (function () {
return function repeat(cbWhileNotTrue, period) {
/// <summary>Continuously repeats callback after a period has passed, until the callback triggers a stop by returning true. Note each repetition only fires after the callback has completed. Identifier returned is an object, prematurely stop like `timer = repeat(...); clearTimeout(timer.t);`</summary>
var timer = {}, fn = function () {
if (true === cbWhileNotTrue()) {
return clearTimeout(timer.t); // no more repeat
timer.t = setTimeout(fn, period || 1000);
fn(); // engage
return timer; // and expose stopper object
Using Interval
var loop = (function () {
return function loop(cbWhileNotTrue, period) {
/// <summary>Continuously performs a callback once every period, until the callback triggers a stop by returning true. Note that regardless of how long the callback takes, it will be triggered once per period.</summary>
var timer = setInterval(function () {
if (true === cbWhileNotTrue()) clearInterval(timer);
}, period || 1000);
return timer; // expose stopper
Slight difference between the two indicated in comments -- the repeat
method only repeats after the callback performs, so if you have a "slow" callback it won't run every delay
ms, but repeats after every delay
between executions, whereas the loop
method will fire the callback every delay
ms. To prematurely stop, repeat
uses an object as the returned identifier, so use clearTimeout(timer.t)
Just like answer by @soufiane-hassou:
var textScroller = document.getElementById('textScroller');
var text = 'Hello how are you?';
var c = 0;
var interval = repeat/* or loop */(function() {
textScroller.innerHTML += text[c];
return (c >= text.length);
}, 1000);
As mentioned, premature stopping would be:
/* if repeat */ clearTimeout(interval.t);
/* if loop */ clearInterval(interval);