我已经在 developer.paypal.com 上搜索了几天,并且掌握了我需要的内容。但我仍在寻找完成任务的最佳方式。

我需要的是一种让人们通过我的网站为活动支付费用的方式。我更愿意允许访客结帐,因为并非所有与会者都可能拥有贝宝帐户。但我真正想要的是让贝宝网站处理所有结帐。在 ebay 上,您可以看到总数、一个小摘要,然后您就可以在那里付款。我查看了快速结帐,它希望将用户返回到我的网站以完成所有操作。

在 Paypal 网页上显示付款总额
允许从 PayPal 的网站完成付款并“捕获”,只返回我的页面说谢谢。

这可以做到吗?我长期以来一直使用 StackOverflow 来寻找答案,但我很难找到这个答案(主要是因为我不知道我在寻找什么)。



2 回答 2


您描述的是“标准”,HTML 按钮集成将比 Express Checkout 容易得多。

于 2013-07-20T20:11:05.753 回答

Express Checkout is the most robust API to use. The "return" to your site is a good thing, to give the customer the ability to click a final "Place Order" button. But you can also have this triggered automatically on return -- just run DoExpressCheckout without user interaction and display a thank you / confirmation message. If you are going to run DoEC w/o interaction, your initial redirect to PayPal.com should have &useraction=commit appended to the URL. Then, the final button at PayPal.com will say "Pay Now" instead of the default "Continue"

To allow guest checkout with EC, pass SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole in the initial SetEC call. Note that when customers load a PayPal.com checkout page, it checks their browser cookies to see if they have a PayPal email address stored. If they have one stored in the browser, the top "Log in to PayPal" section will be expanded. If they do not have an address stored -- generally meaning this is a brand new computer or they've never used a PayPal account to check out on this one before -- then the bottom guest checkout section will be expanded.

To not require an address, pass NOSHIPPING=1.

于 2013-07-20T20:02:58.320 回答