I have a query that gets information using the LIKE

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '%$search%'

Now if i search for "Hello there" it will return something like

Oh hello there
Hello there
Hello there how are you

But i want to sort it by exact match first so it should be like

Hello there
Hello there how are you
Oh hello there

With the exact match on top and the exact match at the start of the sentence after that


3 回答 3



    SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column LIKE '%$search%'
    order by case when column like '$search%'  then 1        //hello in begining
                  when column like '%$search%' then 2        //hello in middle
                  when column like '%$search'  then 3 end    //hello in end


于 2013-07-20T14:23:29.957 回答


SELECT * FROM table 
WHERE column LIKE '%$search%'
order by INSTR(column, '$search')
于 2013-07-20T14:19:47.837 回答
SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE '%$search%' ORDER BY column
于 2013-07-20T14:17:51.377 回答