My query is like this
DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(GlobalSettings.DbDSN, CommandType.Text,
"SELECT TOP 1000 [ID],[Project]," +
"[Owner], " +
"[Consultant], " +
"[Contractor], " +
"[Value], " +
"[Level1], " +
"[Level2], " +
"[Status], " +
"[Category], " +
"[Country], " +
"[CreatedDate], " +
"[CreatedByID], " +
"[CreatedByName] " +
"FROM [Kontorting_Umbraco_DB].[dbo].[tbl_Projects] " +
" where [Category] like '%' + @Category + '%' " +
" and Country like'%'+ @country+'%' " +
" and value like '%'+@Value+'%' " +
" order by CreatedDate asc",
new SqlParameter("@Category","water") ,
new SqlParameter("@Country", "Bahrain"),
new SqlParameter("@Value", 1000));
In this code "Value" field is float in the DB..And when I executes this I am getting an error
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '%' to data type int.
can any one tell me how to use like query with float