我正在为一位朋友开发一个程序,该程序将允许他向他的 eBay 帐户发布和修改列表,并且在查看必要的文件时,我发现了限制方面的冲突。

此页面建议每个 API 每天限制为 5,000 次调用:https ://go.developer.ebay.com/developers/ebay/ebay-api-call-limits

但是,此页面指定 Add Listing 和 Revise Listing 调用每天最多可以有 350 万次调用:http: //developer.ebay.com/devzone/xml/docs/reference/ebay/ReviseItem.html

谁能告诉我限制是什么,或者这些 Add and Revise Listing 调用是否对第一个 URL 中定义的其余 API 调用没有贡献?


3 回答 3


The mere fact of signing up for a developer account with eBay gets you access to both sandbox and production environment.

Without lifting a finger you get 5,000 production API calls to eBay for your application. No approvals or anything needed to have these 5,000.

By the way this is 5,000 per day.

If you want a need more then you'll have to submit your app for compatibility check by eBay.This is basically to ensure their TOS and best use of API for your objective is being used. Once approved, they will increase the call limit based on your needs.

The application application isn't hard to pass. I've had simple 5 pages of code passed and more complex apps passed. In fact I've never failed an application check before.

Make sure to include in your application check why you need higher limits based on use now or in future. If you don't ask they might not give them.

PS - If I recall , I never even actually had to submit my application (actual software file) to eBay for compatibility check. Just took screen shots of application and documented what it would be used for, who would use it and what API calls we were using.

I was initially given 1 million API calls a day and upon a simple request was able to increase it to 2 million without any fuss.

Lastly, I would note that if this application is for internal use only, then make sure to tell them that because if you plan on collecting user credentials then eBay would surely require some more advanced checking. All my apps previously did not collect credentials or require them. Just used the finding API.

Just be legit and not doing anything funny and eBay will support all your needs in regards to using their API and increased call limits no matter if your small fish or enterprise.


  • Default now seems to be 1.5 Million calls as soon as your app passes Compatibility check.

  • When applying, their major concerns are related to error handling. Ex: If call fails, you have some method to either report it in a log file or take action to resolve/terminate. My last app was successfully approved with a simple log tab that reported any API errors on the UI and stored them into a CSV file local to the machine the app was installed on.

They're not looking to approve based on your apps ingenuity, rather just trying to prevent abuse.

于 2014-03-02T13:06:54.090 回答

您的应用程序需要完成与 ebay 兼容的应用程序检查流程,才能每天接到超过 5000 个电话。


于 2015-07-20T10:33:20.880 回答

eBay 将此作为“高级”功能。如果不向 eBay 支付一笔好运,我们就无法提高限额。 在此处输入图像描述

于 2021-07-08T04:36:52.300 回答