我有一个显示在我的应用程序顶部的 winform。我想要的是如果表单在一段时间内处于非活动状态,则将其设置为 20% 的不透明度。现在,当我单击按钮时,我运行了一个类似的事件,表单的大小发生了变化。我在执行转换时使用计时器来设置表单不透明度。如果表单上有不活动,我现在可以使用类似的代码来设置不透明度,我只是不知道如何检测不活动。
Private Sub btnShowForm_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnShowForm.Click
'This procedure runs when the btnShowForm
'button is clicked. The procedure maximizes the size
'of the form, hides the left right button and displays the button
'to expand the form. It also moves the combobox down.
'It calls the viewButtons function to hide and
'display the right buttons.
'The procedure also uses a timer to set the fade in and out the
'form when is min or max
Me.Height = 126
Me.Opacity = 0.2 'About 20%
timNavigationPage.Interval = 100 'about one-tenth of a second
timNavigationPage.Start() 'Start the timer
cmbViewDataSheets.Location = New Point(741, 89)
viewButtons(False, True)
End Sub
Private Sub timNavigationPage_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles timNavigationPage.Tick
'Initialize the timer to fade form.
Dim x As Double = 0.075
If Me.Opacity <= 1 Then
Me.Opacity += x 'increment opacity with 7.5%
ElseIf Me.Opacity + x > 1 Then
timNavigationPage.Stop() 'Stop the timer then the opacity has reached a 100%
End If
End Sub