所以,我试图阅读一个 Trie,对我来说是一种相对较新的数据结构。在我读到的任何地方,trie 中的每个节点都将包含一个整数变量,该变量将标记一个单词的结尾,并且还包含 26 个指针,每个指针指向较低级别的节点(假设单词只包含小字母字符)。



但就我对 Trie 的理解而言,我相信每一条边都应该被标记为一个字符。虽然,我知道我们没有边缘的数据结构,只有节点。但是标记边缘不是更正确吗?


struct trie
    int val;
    trie* aplha[26];

trie* insert (trie *root, char *inp)
    if (*input == '\0')
        return root;

    if (root == NULL)
        root = (trie *) malloc(sizeof(trie));
        int i = 0;
        for (i=0;i<26;i++)
            root->alpha[i] = NULL;

    temp = *input - 'a';
    root->alpha[temp] = insert (root->alpha[temp],input+1);
    if (*(input+1)=='\0')
        root->val = 1;
    return root;



1 回答 1




我稍微编辑了您的 trie_insert 函数并在此处显示 trie_delete 函数。如果您使用 C++,可以将struct Vecpastebin 代码内部的代码更改为 a 。std::vector

struct trie *trie_insert(struct trie *root, char *input)
    int idx;
    if (!input) {
        return root;
    if (root == NULL) {
        root = (struct trie *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct trie));
    if (*input == '\0') {
        // leaves have root->val set to 1
        root->val = 1;
    } else {
        // carry on insertion
        idx = *input - 'a';
        root->alpha[idx] = trie_insert(root->alpha[idx], input+1);
    return root;

struct trie *trie_delete(struct trie *root, char *s)
    int i, idx, reap = 0;
    if (!root || !s) {
        return root;
    if (!*s && root->val) {
        // delete this string, and mark node as deletable
        root->val = 0;
        reap = 1;
    } else {
        // more characters to insert, carry on
        idx = *s - 'a';
        if (root->alpha[idx]) {
            root->alpha[idx] = trie_delete(root->alpha[idx], s+1);
            if (!root->alpha[idx]) {
                // child node deleted, set reap = 1
                reap = 1;
    // We can delete this if both:
    // 1. reap is set to 1, which is only possible if either:
    //    a. we are now at the end of the string and root->val used
    //       to be 1, but is now set to 0
    //    b. the child node has been deleted
    // 2. The string ending at the current node is not inside the trie,
    //    so root->val = 0
    if (reap && !root->val) {
        for (i = 0; i < NRALPHA; i++) {
            if (root->alpha[i]) {
                reap = 0;
        // no more children, delete this node
        if (reap) {
            root = NULL;
    return root;
于 2013-07-20T08:09:06.883 回答