* 14a95c1 (HEAD) min base
* e69ca3b (testminify, master) modified base
* 71863ae added compressor
* 2d2bc01 added changes
* d000d45 merge fixes
* 18847ab (production/master) added couple of cdns
* 8f02c19 minified css files
* 276649a added libs
* f4b9533 fixed fb
* 2b4b490 prod ready
* 685a99c removed dj static from settings file
* 1f012bc added mailing support
* eb69d26 modified wsgi and static files
* bbd5c76 settings
* 39b229b deleted some files
我的 git 提交树如上,我想将testminiy和production合并在一起。我尝试了以下
git checkout production
然后git merge testminify
- 14a95c1 (HEAD production/master) min base
- e69ca3b 修饰碱基
- 71863ae 增加压缩机
- 2d2bc01 添加了更改
- d000d45 合并修复
- 18847ab 添加了几个cdns
- 8f02c19 缩小的 css 文件
- 276649a 添加了库