* 6a2da68 (styleChange) merge fix in setting
* dac420f added libs
* 622021c merging changes
| * 18847ab (production/master, master) added couple of cdns
| * 8f02c19 minified css files
| * 276649a (HEAD, testminify) added libs
| * f4b9533 fixed fb
* 2b4b490 prod ready
* 685a99c removed dj static from settings file
* 1f012bc added mailing support
* eb69d26 modified wsgi and static files
* bbd5c76 settings
* 39b229b deleted some files
* 7e8ecaa Initial Commit
正如您在上面看到的那样,我的 head 已打开,276649a(添加的 libs提交)到目前为止,我想在 head 所在的提交之前删除所有提交,以便最终我的 git 图如下所示 -
* 276649a (HEAD, testminify) added libs
* f4b9533 fixed fb
* 2b4b490 prod ready
* 685a99c removed dj static from settings file
* 1f012bc added mailing support
* eb69d26 modified wsgi and static files
* bbd5c76 settings
* 39b229b deleted some files
* 7e8ecaa Initial Commit
有什么办法可以美化我的 git 分支树吗?所以基本上我想摆脱多余的未来分支和几个提交。