So I'm creating a connection library for a colleague of mine to save him time on his current project. My colleague will use this library in his c# application to connect to a rest api. Within the library I created Handlers for each request(GET / POST / PUT / DEL). When his application talks to my library i will return the response like this:
return client.PostAsync(url, content).Result;
This returns a dynamic object from the rest api.
Today he used my library and couldn't get it to work in combination with his application for some reason. I told him to use a var and that it would work like this:
var x = API.CreateTraject(parameter1,parameter2);
He refused to use var and ended up spending about 40 min figuring out how to get it to work without it. Then he blamed me for returning a dynamic object and that he will never use var because explicit is better so he told me.
Im normaly working as mobile developer (IOS / Android) where i use var all the time.
Now my question is:
Is it really so bad to use var? Should I convert the response in my library so he can explicitly type it in his application? In my opinion I would rather use var and save some time then spend 40 min trying go make it explicit.