I really am at a point where I am out of Ideas. I just want to order categories with Doctrine. After a litle doctrine documentation reading I uses following in my Controller:

$categories = $em->getRepository('\Cbox\Entity\Category')->findBy(array('title' =>'news'), array('createdTime' => 'DESC'));

Both Column's exist nor do I get a PHP/Doctrine/Mysql Error. Is this the right aproach? I also tried using orderBy Annotations in my Entity with no success either:

* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Cbox\Entity\Category", mappedBy="box")
* @ORM\OrderBy({"createdTime" = "DESC"})
protected $category;

I also did read about the QueryBuilder and the DQL but this just seems to be a litle bit of an overkill to get the orderBy set.

Any help would be much appreciated. I also do hope thats enough code for you guys to get the picture. But I rather have the "problematic" parts shown here then tons of code.


1 回答 1



 $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
 ->from('Cbox\Entity\Category u')
 ->where('u.title = :title')
 ->orderBy('u.createdTime', 'DESC')
 ->setParameter('title', news);


 ->from('Cbox\Entity\Category u')
 ->where('u.title = news')
 ->orderBy('u.createdTime', 'DESC');


于 2013-07-21T02:14:53.837 回答