所以我写了两个 Perl 脚本来练习 Map Reduce。该程序应该计算我放在目录中的一堆文本文件中的所有单词。

这是我的 mapper.pl


use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

while(my $line = <>) {
    my @words = split(' ', $line);

    foreach my $word(@words) {
        print "$word \t 1\n";

这是我的 reducer.pl


use 5.010;
use warnings;

my $currentWord = "";
my $currentCount = 0;

##Use this block for testing the reduce script with some test data.
#Open the test file
#open(my $fh, "<", "testdata.txt");
#while(!eof $fh) {}

while(my $line = <>) {
    #Remove the \n
    chomp $line;

    #Index 0 is the word, index 1 is the count value
    my @lineData = split('\t', $line);
    my $word = $lineData[0];
    my $count = $lineData[1];

    if($currentWord eq $word) {
        $currentCount = $currentCount + $count;
    } else {
        if($currentWord ne "") {
            #Output the key we're finished working with
            print "$currentWord \t $currentCount \n";
        #Switch the current variables over to the next key
        $currentCount = $count;
        $currentWord = $word;

#deal with the last loop 
print "$currentWord \t $currentCount \n";

所以当我使用 hadoop 流命令运行这些时:

bin/hadoop jar contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming-1.1.2.jar -file /home/hduser/countWords/mapper.pl -mapper /home/hduser/countWords/mapper.pl -file /home/hduser/countWords/reducer.pl -reducer /home/hduser/countWords/reducer.pl -input /user/hduser/testData/* -output /user/hduser/testData/output/*


13/07/19 11:36:33 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 0%  reduce 0%
13/07/19 11:36:39 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 9%  reduce 0%
13/07/19 11:36:40 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 64%  reduce 0%
13/07/19 11:36:41 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 73%  reduce 0%
13/07/19 11:36:44 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 82%  reduce 0%
13/07/19 11:36:45 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 100%  reduce 0%
13/07/19 11:36:49 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 100%  reduce 11%
13/07/19 11:36:53 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 100%  reduce 0%
13/07/19 11:37:02 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 100%  reduce 17%
13/07/19 11:37:03 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 100%  reduce 33%
13/07/19 11:37:06 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 100%  reduce 17%
13/07/19 11:37:08 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 100%  reduce 0%
13/07/19 11:37:16 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 100%  reduce 33%
13/07/19 11:37:21 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 100%  reduce 0%
13/07/19 11:37:31 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 100%  reduce 33%
13/07/19 11:37:35 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 100%  reduce 17%
13/07/19 11:37:38 INFO streaming.StreamJob:  map 100%  reduce 100%
13/07/19 11:37:38 INFO streaming.StreamJob: To kill this job, run:
13/07/19 11:37:38 INFO streaming.StreamJob: /usr/local/hadoop/libexec/../bin/hadoop job  -Dmapred.job.tracker=shiv0:54311 -kill job_201307031312_0065
13/07/19 11:37:38 INFO streaming.StreamJob: Tracking URL: http://shiv0:50030/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=job_201307031312_0065
13/07/19 11:37:38 ERROR streaming.StreamJob: Job not successful. Error: # of failed Reduce Tasks exceeded allowed limit. FailedCount: 1. LastFailedTask: task_201307031312_0065_r_000001
13/07/19 11:37:38 INFO streaming.StreamJob: killJob... Streaming Command Failed!



2 回答 2


bin/hadoop jar contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming-1.1.2.jar -file /home/hduser/countWords/mapper.py -mapper /home/hduser/countWords/mapper.py -file /home/hduser/countWords/ reducer.py -reducer /home/hduser/countWords/reducer.py -input /user/hduser/testData/* -output /user/hduser/testData/output/*

你为什么要调用 .py 文件?你不应该调用 perl 文件,即 reducer.pl 而不是 reducer.py

于 2013-07-19T16:04:51.833 回答

就我而言,这是一个非常愚蠢的错误。reducer.pl 的 shbang 行不正确。我有



于 2013-07-22T20:08:48.500 回答