
我是 Cocos2d 的初学者,我想在硬币精灵离开屏幕后立即显示硬币精灵,延迟 5 秒。所以这就是我在我的主要游戏层中写的连续添加 7 个硬币的内容:

- (void)coinSidewaysRowOne { 
        if (coinSide1 == FALSE)
            coinSide1 = TRUE;
            NSLog(@"coinSide1 = TRUE");
            int originalX = 500;
            for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                CCSprite *coinHorizontal = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"bubble.png"];
                coinHorizontal.position = ccp(originalX, 150);
                originalX += 20;

                [self addChild:coinHorizontal];
                [coinArray addObject:coinHorizontal];

然后,在我的 updateRunning 方法中我添加了这个,所以当硬币在屏幕外产生时,它们会向左移动并消失:

for (CCSprite *coin in coinArray)
        // apply background scroll speed
        float backgroundScrollSpeedX = [[GameMechanics sharedGameMechanics] backGroundScrollSpeedX];
        float xSpeed = 1.09 * backgroundScrollSpeedX;

        // move the coin until it leaves the left edge of the screen
        if (coin.position.x > (coin.contentSize.width * (-1)))
            coin.position = ccp(coin.position.x - (xSpeed*delta), coin.position.y);
        **// This is where I am trying to make the CCSprite coin reappear** 
            [self performSelector:@selector(showSpriteAgain:) withObject:coin afterDelay:5.0f];


-(void) showSpriteAgain:(CCSprite *)coin{
    CGSize screenSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
    coin.position = ccp(coin.position.x-screenSize.width,coin.position.y);

但是硬币在 5 秒后仍然没有重新出现。难道我做错了什么?谢谢。


1 回答 1


showSpriteAgain 函数的变化:

-(void) showSpriteAgain:(CCSprite *)coin{
    CGSize screenSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
    coin.position = ccp(coin.position.x + screenSize.width,coin.position.y);


于 2013-07-19T06:07:24.370 回答